Environmental News

A curated set of environmental news stories brought to you by the Gottlieb Native Garden team.


Diane Shader Smith


If we want to understand how our decisions shape the world around us, we can start by simply paying attention to what insects are doing in our own neighborhoods.

How Bee-Friendly Farming Could Save Food Systems — and the Planet

The decline of bees is emblematic of the broader decline of wildlife around the world. The United Nations’ Global Goals calls on countries to protect the planet and promote biodiversity. 

Learn to recognize the wildlife out your window

With careful observation, you can start to recognize a particular squirrel, or that certain cardinal pair that hangs out on your feeder.

Willow flycatchers, already an endangered species, also imperiled by climate change

The southwestern willow flycatcher is facing serious environmental challenges.

Resilient California: An Interview with Natural Resources Secretary Wade Crowfoot

Natural Resources Secretary Wade Crowfoot wants to elevate biodiversity.

Poppy Hour

In light of stay-at-home measures, the Theodore Payne Foundation hosted a live virtual garden tour, broadcasted on Instagram. The event was so popular, the Foundation launched a new Poppy Hour Broadcast airing Fridays from 5:30-6:30 pm.

Audubon California Urges Beachgoers to Share the Shore with Nesting Birds

As beaches across Southern California partially reopen ahead of a warm Mother’s Day weekend, shorebirds need help protecting their nests.

A Popular California Flora, or a Manual of Botany for Beginners, Containing Descriptions of Exogenous Plants Growing in Central California, and Westward to the Ocean

For California Flora book collectors — a first edition, hardcover from 1879 highlighting the popular California Flora.  Features include descriptions of exogenous plants growing in Central California.

Six Ways to Support Wild Birds at Home

Birds need our help. Since 1970, the North American bird population has lost almost 3 billion breeding adultsa loss of 29 percent over just fifty years.

Fireflies: Getting to Know the Jewels of the Night

Join Candace Fallon, Senior Endangered Species Conservation Biologist with the Xerces Society, as she takes us into the world of the firefly.