Environmental News

A curated set of environmental news stories brought to you by the Gottlieb Native Garden team.


Diane Shader Smith

Study of threatened desert tortoises offers new conservation strategy

Animals with more genetic variation are more likely to survive relocation

Bee #GratefulFor Pollinators!

When most people think about pollinators, they imagine graceful butterflies, or a busy and buzzy honeybee, pollinating crops and flowers to bring the pollen back to their hives and create honey. But pollinators include more than honeybees, as there are all different types of bees, bats, birds, and bugs that specialize in pollinating the plants native to their homes or ecosystems.

Cedar Waxwings: A Welcome Winter Visitor

California Wildlife Center admits migratory birds every year. One winter patient is the Cedar Waxwing, named for the waxy red tips on their secondary wing feathers and their fondness of cedar berries. Last year, we received 22 of these yellow-bellied birds. So far this year, we have admitted four.

Cedar Waxwings: A Welcome Winter Visitor

California Wildlife Center admits migratory birds every year. Spotlight on one winter patient is the Cedar Waxwing, named for the waxy red tips on their secondary wing feathers (the feathers that help them get lift) and their fondness of cedar berries. 

Clean Air Act saved 1.5 billion birds

Improved air quality, reduced ozone pollution may have averted bird deaths

Zebra finches amazing at unmasking the bird behind the song

The spirited songbirds can rapidly memorize the signature sounds of at least 50 different members of their flock

WSB: A new raccoon hairdo can help researchers with identification

Just a 35 min drive from LA, “Clayfornia: Ceramic Sculpture in the California Sunshine,” an exhibit at the California Botanic Garden in Claremont, opened Nov. 8.

Animal Profiles

Los Angeles is a densely packed metropolis with a population of over 10 million in an area of over 4700 square miles.  As people flock to the area for its beautiful beaches, phenomenal weather and scenic landscapes, they come in greater and greater contact with animals, having a deleterious effect on wildlife.

Digital Science Saturday — Magnificent Monarchs

Let’s celebrate the return of Pacific Grove’s monarch butterfly population during Science Saturday Magnificent Monarchs. Get an up close view of live butterflies, follow their migration, and learn how to garden with butterflies in mind.

Signs of life: Animals return to parks burned by Glass fire

When the glass fire seared through portions of Sonoma County’s Hood Mountain Regional Park in September, it left little in its wake: Once-stately pines and oaks stood starkly amid seared chaparral, and the ever-present chatter of chirping birds was replaced by an eerie silence. Two months after the devastating fires, life and wildlife are returning to an area they call home.