Environmental News

A curated set of environmental news stories brought to you by the Gottlieb Native Garden team.


Diane Shader Smith

Top 25 Birds that Scavenge

Scavengers, in particular the vultures, are facing immense challenges due to poisoning, habitat transformation and persecution. As a result 16 out of the 22 vulture species in the world are listed as ‘at risk’ on the IUCN RedList.

California Groundwater Law Means Big Changes Above Ground, Too

The state’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act is likely to result in fallowing thousands of acres of farmland. Local governments are just waking up to the big opportunities, and risks, in how that land gets reused.

Biodiversity Is In Free Fall. Here’s How We Can Fix It.

The tropics are Earth’s life support system. Start there.

Predatory sea corals team up to feed on stinging jellyfish

California’s Birds Are Testing New Survival Tactics on a Vast Scale

Retracing the steps of a century-old wildlife survey, ecologists find that birds are making remarkable adaptations to climate change.


Conflict over the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta has played out over decades of back-and-forth between regulators and farmers.

What Do Wild Animals Do in Wildfires?

Big wildfires, like those tearing through Northern California, can hurt some animals—while others escape, and some species even thrive.

California’s Lassen Wolf Pack Has Pups Second Straight Year

California’s Lassen Wolf Pack has pups for second straight year. Birth comes as administration plans end to federal protections.

Why Native Plants Matter

Restoring native plant habitat is vital to preserving biodiversity. By creating a native plant garden, each patch of habitat becomes part of a collective effort to nurture and sustain the living landscape for birds and other animals.

Top 25 Birds with a Sugar Rush

Here we present the Top 25: Birds with a Sugar Rush, a spectacular collection of the many different birds that feed on nectar.