Environmental News

A curated set of environmental news stories brought to you by the Gottlieb Native Garden team.

Help North State pollinators: Turn your garden into a California wildflower wonderland

Decide which wildflowers are going to work best with the bulbs you planted. 

Plant these no-fail natives this fall

There are a few things to consider when selecting native plants for a habitat garden.

Trumpeter Swan death leads to an alliance with ATV club

A special donation took place late last month, building a bridge between the local ATV community and those dedicated to preserving the trumpeter swan.

At this Chumash plant nursery in Santa Ynez, native seeds are bringing tribal culture back to life

Native seedlings are popping out of black plastic trays at a tribal plant nursery in Santa Ynez: purple sage, coast live oak, tobacco, islay cherries, gooseberry, mugwort, bladderpod, buckwheat, wild rye, dogbane. The list goes on.

Where the land is neither wet nor dry

Approximately 43% of threatened and endangered plant and animal species in the U.S. live in or depend on wetlands.

Continued Absence Is Reflective of Population Crashes Throughout State, Biologists Say

He rebuilt it, but they did not come.

What Are the Environmental Implications When Engineered Nanomaterials Degrade?

A new study published today in the journal Environmental Science & Technology finds that exposing certain nanomaterials to light can influence their environmental transformation, fate and, ultimately, their toxicity.

How to make air conditioning less of an environmental nightmare

As the world heats up so does the demand for air conditioning, which itself is a contributor to the climate crisis

Fight to restore clean water protections moves forward

Businesses, farmers and ranchers, faith leaders, hunters and anglers, conservationists, and community groups joined us in calling on the administration to protect clean water.

Late summer is a buzzy time for pollinators!

The last lazy, hazy days of August may be a time of rest for many of us, but it’s a buzzy time of year for our natural pollinators. Read on and learn how to make our backyards, gardens, and green spaces a late summer haven for pollinators.