Environmental News

A curated set of environmental news stories brought to you by the Gottlieb Native Garden team.

The California native plants with the best chance of surviving drought

As the state and local municipalities start cracking down on excessive water use, residents may see the consequences of California’s drought in real-time in their gardens.

Roundtable: Water restrictions begin as California drought worsens

A discussion on environmental news this week, including the rollout of new water-use restrictions and new developments in the cross-border sewage contamination issue forcing the closure of beaches in Imperial Beach and Coronado.

Compromise on plastics ban comes under fire in California Legislature. Ballot fight likely

Led by state Sen. Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica), lawmakers submitted a bill Thursday they hoped would preempt the initiative and head off a costly initiative battle and possibly years of litigation. 

California High-Speed Rail Releases Final Environmental Studies to Finalize Project Alignment into San Francisco

If approved by the Authority’s Board of Directors in August, this project section and its environmental document will complete full environmental clearance for high-speed rail in Northern California.

California court rules a bumblebee is a fish under environmental law

The Appellate Court ruled a lower court ‘erred when it reached a contrary conclusion’

Inside the secret world of SoCal’s carnivorous plant collectors

To call carnivorous plants exotic is an understatement — they grow in extraordinary shapes and colors, with the common thread being they all have an area big enough to hold and digest their prey, whether it’s inside the slippery, tube-shaped bodies of North American pitcher plants or the flat sticky leaves of the succulent-like butterwort.

Water Cuts Are Coming for the West

If Californians don’t change the way they consume water, officials are warning, sweeping, statewide mandatory cuts may be unavoidable.

Environment Ministers of Canada, Mexico, United States to Meet in Mérida, Mexico, 14-15 July 2022

The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) invites the public, Indigenous groups, stakeholders and members of the media to join the annual gathering of the CEC Council, composed of the environment ministers of Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

New study finds DDT in California condors

Chemicals dumped in the 1970s are still seeping into the food chain. But the Yurok Tribe is confident their birds will be OK.

June 2022 California Department Of Fish And Wildlife Calendar

Wildlife areas, ecological reserves and other properties may be closed due to wildfires or wildfire damage. Hunters and outdoor enthusiasts are strongly encouraged to check for closures before leaving on any recreational trip.