Environmental News

A curated set of environmental news stories brought to you by the Gottlieb Native Garden team.

Shutterstock Leaving dog and cat poo lying around isn’t just gross. It’s a problem for native plants and animals, too

Blog: The beauty and benefits of gardening with native plants

3 Reasons To Add Native Plants to Your Landscape

Massive century plant blooms after 30 years in Palmdale man’s yard

Designer Barnali Ghosh uses South Asian fabrics to dress as California native plants

California Botanic Garden offers opportunity to taste desserts made with native plants

He wanted a ‘low-water, colorful, smell-good garden.’ But first, the lawn had to go

Napa County Master Gardeners: Spotlight on California native plants

Known as the Water Conservation in Landscaping Act, the bill was authored by Assemblymember Laura Friedmann (D-Burbank) and sponsored by the California Native Plant Society. The goal of the bill is to replace non-functional turf with water-conserving California native plants.

Which types of plants are fire-resistant around your home and which ones are not?

Support biodiversity by landscaping with native plants: Redbud Society hosts property walk

The Red Bud Chapter of the California Native Plant Society held an event combining an educational session and a property walk starting out at the Gold Vibe Kombucha located at 12615 Charles Drive in Grass Valley this week.