What are native plants, and why are they so crucial to our ecosystems?
Plant of the month: Beebrush
A lovely, lacy larger shrub, the beebrush (Aloysia gratissima) is a beautiful choice for any yard that wants to attract pollinators. It is also known as whitebrush or Texas whitebrush.
Native Plants Are In Decline. This SoCal Conservation Group Has A Unique Seed Program To Save Them
After 40 years homeless, Ocean Beach native plant gardener set to move into housing
California Flora: Native plant nursery thrives in wine country
High summer in the native plant garden | The Real Dirt
The dog days of summer are a muted, in-between time in the native garden. Dry-climate plants have developed strategies for coping with high summer, whether on a rocky ledge in the foothills or in your back yard.