Environmental News

A curated set of environmental news stories brought to you by the Gottlieb Native Garden team.

Judge Overturns Denial of Endangered Species Protection for Pacific Fishers

Rare Carnivore Has Been Reduced to Two Populations in California, Oregon

This Teenage Girl Made a Plastic Bag From Shrimp

Science fair winner Angelina Arora of Australia demonstrated a biodegradable plastic made from natural material.

Monarch butterflies are missing in California

Monarch butterflies have been hit hard over the years with a one-two punch. The colorful insects feed on milkweed, but development has wiped out many of the plants and some environmental groups are calling on residents to plant milkweed in their yards in hopes of helping the insects breed.

The Salton Sea is shrinking even faster, and California still hasn’t done much to fix it

The lake’s shoreline is receding faster than ever. It’s a public health and environmental crisis in progress.

California Director Documents Rangeland Conservation In New Film

A new film explores how residents can protect California’s open spaces.

SDSU Awarded Competitive Grant for Climate Change Research

The nearly $1.8 million award will inform sustainability in communities throughout Southern California.

Is California going to launch its own satellite to monitor climate change?

Gov. Jerry Brown says California will move forward with plans to launch a satellite into space in order to monitor climate change.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife works to bring a Natural Resource and Volunteer Program to the Central Coast

The Central Coast is has plenty of land preserved where locals and visitors alike can enjoy a camping trip, a day at the beach, or an afternoon hike. There is a plethora of ways to contribute to the preservation of these lands, even if it’s just by leaving the area as you found it. Now, there’s one more.

Scientists Can Predict When Birds Will Migrate Up to a Week in Advance

A new forecasting model using years of bird migration data and weather radar could help us protect migrating birds from harm.

Making sure that water under the ground helps birds above the ground

Spending a lot of time in the San Joaquin Valley in recent years, Audubon California’s Samantha Arthur has seen the toll that drought and the subsequent California water wars have taken on the few remaining wetlands.