Environmental News

A curated set of environmental news stories brought to you by the Gottlieb Native Garden team.

Teaching wild birds to sing a new tune

Like toddlers learning to speak, young birds learn to sing by listening to the voices of adults. Now, researchers have shown for the first time that they could teach young sparrows in the wild how to sing a new tune. The wild birds then passed the new songs on to the next generation.

Governor’s Biodiversity Actions Mark Unprecedented Call for Native Plant Protection

California Native Plant Society says actions are among the first to unambiguously emphasize the critical importance of saving California’s globally-important native plants.

Scientists urge greater protection of Brazil’s secondary forests

New research indicates that even after 40 years of recovery, fast-growing tropical forests in Brazil house far fewer species and sequester less carbon than their primary counterparts.

‘Terror being waged on wildlife’, leaders warn

National and conservation leaders say the annihilation of nature is a dangerous ‘blight on humanity’, ahead of major summit

Livestock’s impact on wilderness

Livestock grazing occurs on some 260 million acres of federal lands, including lands administered by the Forest Service (FS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Fish and Wildlife Service Refuges (FWS) and even some national parks (NPS) and continues in many designated wilderness areas. For perspective, this is equal to the collective acreage of the entire East Coast states from Florida to Maine with Missouri thrown in.

The $8.9 Billion California Water Bond That Has Environmentalists Divided

California voters in November will decide whether or not to approve a controversial $8.9 billion bond measure for water-related projects like groundwater storage, water treatment and restoring protected habitats.


CDFW events for October 2018

Mayor of Sacramento issues Migratory Bird proclamation

Darrell Steinberg declared 2018 as the Year of the Bird

California condors headed to Central Coast for release in the wild

A group of the Peregrine Fund’s California condors will soon be unfurling their nine-and-a-half-foot wings to soar the skies of central California, but first they have to get from the World Center for Birds of Prey in Boise, Idaho.


Ecological restoration in both developed and developing countries is a primary strategy for mitigating the impacts of climate change. Native plant communities are not only key to the global ecosystem, but also crucial to environmental and human health at the residential and neighorhood scales.