Environmental News

A curated set of environmental news stories brought to you by the Gottlieb Native Garden team.


Diane Shader Smith

Cloned ancient redwood trees could be the key to fighting climate change

Trees cloned from ancient redwood DNA could help combat climate change, according to arborists from a nonprofit group.

Monarch Butterfly in Crisis, Population Numbers Drop Drastically in One Year

The phenomenal decline of monarch butterflies in California is worrying wildlife conservationists. A comparison of their current numbers indicates the butterflies are down by 86 percent from last year’s figures. Unfortunately, the numbers of the iconic creatures have declined by about 97 percent since the early 1980s.

Some hummingbirds are designed for fighting

The researchers discovered, however, that the bills of male hummingbirds in the South American tropics are designed for much more aggressive behaviors, such as biting, pulling, and fighting. 

California Chefs Collaborate On Book Promising Ecological Food

Farm to table has become the calling card for many restaurants, just as organic produce has become the gold standard in the grocery store and farmer’s market. Now The Ecology Center has taken the effort further.

In defense of snakes and lizards in Southern California

Reptile stories from tail to trail.

Around the world, miles of rock are missing. Could ‘Snowball Earth’ be the culprit?

When the famed explorer John Wesley Powell bumped, splashed and thrashed his way down the Colorado River in 1869, he discovered one of the most striking geologic features on Earth. Not the Grand Canyon — although that too is a marvel — but a conspicuous boundary between the sunset-colored sediments of the upper walls and the dark, jagged rocks below them.

Climate News Round-Up: January 2019

Habitat is essential for building resilience in both insect populations and our landscapes. Xerces conservationists work with farmers across the country to plan and install new habitats on farms.

Bestsellers in 2018

For all you growers out there who are wondering which California native plants to carry, here are our top ten sellers for all of 2018. Number 6, Trichostema lanatum, can be a bit tricky to grow, but the rest have all made our “easy” lists in the past.

Lessons from Orange County, California’s water strategy

Water is a serious issue for the cities of the world. Even in a wealthy nation such as the United States, people die from toxic water in Flint, Michigan, confront megadroughts in Los Angeles, face salinated aquifers in Miami and worry in Omaha about oil pipeline spills in the Ogallala aquifer.

8 green goals Californians should watch for in 2019

Environmentalists’ focus in 2019 will include continued fight against offshore oil drilling and plastic pollution, and making it easier for those from poorer inland neighborhoods to visit the beach.