Environmental News

A curated set of environmental news stories brought to you by the Gottlieb Native Garden team.


Diane Shader Smith

California bill would end trophy hunting of bobcats

A bill introduced in California this week would end all trophy hunting of bobcats, making the Golden State the first in the union to move decisively to protect one of our country’s most iconic native carnivores.

Barn Owl Nesting Box Program

The Barn Owl Nesting Box Program is part of CLAW’s commitment to ending the use of rodent poison (rodenticide) in Los Angeles and beyond. Rodenticide is extremely dangerous to the wildlife populations that live where urban and natural worlds interact. 

Bumblebee Queens Prefer Layovers to Nonstop Flights

Scientists tracked bumblebee queens with radar when they emerged from hibernation and found the bees take only brief flights en route to a new nest. 

Plan to remove gray wolves from Endangered Species Act sparks battle

A proposal to strip gray wolves of federal protections could limit their expansion across the U.S. West and Great Lakes. 

California ‘browning’ more in the south during droughts

Like a climate chameleon, California turned brown during the 2012–16 drought, as vegetation dried or died off. But the change wasn’t uniform.

Codifying the universal language of honey bees

In a paper appearing in April’s issue of Animal Behaviour researchers decipher the instructive messages encoded in the insects’ movements, called waggle dances.

Progress seen in effort to eradicate nutria from California

More than 400 nutria have been captured in the first year of an effort to eradicate the invasive South American rodent from California.

New Study Warns Of Extinction Threat For Southern California’s Mountain Lions

They could vanish in 50 years – or be protected by “wildlife corridors,” researchers say.

Region governed by new wildlife corridors

Ventura County made history March 12 by becoming the first county in the nation to create special zoning for the protection of wildlife.

Do Americans Have a Constitutional Right to a Livable Planet? Meet the 21 Young People Who Say They Do

All 21 of the Juliana v. United States plaintiffs—a group of Americans between the ages of eleven and 23—photographed in February on the steps of the New York Supreme Court in Manhattan. An argument against their case will be heard in the Ninth Circuit Court in June.