Environmental News

A curated set of environmental news stories brought to you by the Gottlieb Native Garden team.

California’s trees are dying in huge numbers — and Tahoe is the epicenter

57 California native plants that survived the Ice Age to live on today

Gardener receives praise after sharing stunning photos of native flowers flourishing in their garden: ‘The colors are gorgeous’

Volunteers plant over 300 native plants on Eagle River shoreline

Smithsonian’s Working Landscapes shows little changes can make a difference for birds, bees and native plants

Piedmont farmers who haven’t yet cut their fields to make hay this year may feel behind in their work, but they did baby grassland birds a big favor.

Homeowner shares ‘stunning’ progress photos after ditching traditional yard: ‘It’s absolutely beautiful’

Mailbag: Costa Mesa encourages native plants but not the pollinators needed to help them grow

The medicinal properties of native plants

To Save Native Plant Communities, Diversify the Field

What you need to know about buying and planting California native plants

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