Summer night skies are alive with Bats

September 30, 2024

Bat activity in the Garden is always at its height during the Summer months. This year during July, August and September our ultrasonic recorder picked up 4900 individual calls from possibly 10 species of bats.  Eight of them are currently on our vetted bat species list and 2 would be “new” to the Garden.  The Pallid bat and Silver-haired bat spectrograms will need to be looked over by a qualified bat biologist. If accepted, the bat species list will grow to 11 species.  In my view, that is amazing for an urban Los Angeles garden!

Garden Bat Species List
*Hoary bat - Lasiurus cinereus
*Yuma Myotis - Myotis yumanensis
*Canyon bat - Parastrellus Hesperus
*Brazilian free-tailed bat - Tadarida brasiliensis
*Big Brown bat - Eptesicus fuscus
*California myotis - Myotis californicus
*Western red bat - Lasiurus blossevillii
*Southern yellow bat - Lasiurus xanthinus
Western mastiff bat - Eumops perotis

*indicates that species was recorded during the Summer of 2024

New species recorded during the Summer of 2024
Pallid bat - Antrozous pallidus
Silver-haired bat - Lasionycteris noctivagans

Below are spectrograms made from our 2024 summer recordings, each identifying a species during its visit.
Many of the recordings capture bats making their "feeding buzz", confirming that they are finding food in the Garden.

Hoary Bat

Yuma Myotis

Canyon Bat

Brazilian Free-tailed Bat

Big Brown Bat

California Myotis

Western Red Bat

Southern Yellow Bat

Pallid Bat

Silver-haired Bat

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