The Naturalist’s Journal

What's Happening "Fauna-wise" in the Garden

As the Gottlieb Native Garden’s naturalist, Scott Logan documents the ever-changing array of wildlife species as they vary with the garden’s blooms, seasons and migratory patterns. While bringing these observations to life for all to experience, he also coordinates scientific research projects, and monitors the overall health and biodiversity of the garden. The Naturalist’s Journal also highlights the work the Gottliebs and Scott are doing to educate and inspire people to start gardening for wildlife with native plants.

California Striped Racer

One of the most active snakes in the garden is the California Striped Racer.  As the name implies, they are extreme fast as well as skiddish, so getting a good look at one is tough.  This individual is a youngster, most likely from this year’s spring clutch.

Vivid Dancer

Along with skimmers, damsel flies are abundant near all of our water sources, also using them for breeding habitat.  At the moment, the most common damsel fly in the garden is the Vivid Dancer and the males can be seen courting the females during the warmest […]

Breeding Flame Skimmers

The eco-systems revolving around our three larger water habitats are becoming more diverse as time goes on. Many animals are now using these habitats as breeding opportunities, including Flame Skimmers

Western Black-headed Snake

We found another snake species in the garden, this super cool Western Black-headed Snake.  Endemic to California and the Baja California Peninsula, this small snake (compare its size to the fallen oak leaves) lives in moist areas in arid environments and spends most of its life […]

White-lined Sphinx Moths

This year’s second generation of  White-lined Sphinx Moths are already emerging from their buried pupa and can be seen flying during both the day and night.

Mule Deer Fawns

These siblings are the youngest fawns we’ve ever seen in the garden – they can’t be more than a few days old.  Urban wildlife CUTE OVERLOAD!

Western Tanager Migration

We have dozens of Western Tanagers in the yard right now – spring migration is still going strong!!

Unusual Striped Skunk

Sometimes you are able to pick-out some unique marking on an animal that allows you to identify it as an individual.  This beautiful Striped Skunk’s fur coloration makes it easy to distinguish from other skunks and is an old friend of the garden, hunting grubs for […]

Oak Titmouse with Caterpillar

A sure sign that you have a nest in your yard is continually seeing a bird carrying insects in its beak. Most all small birds feed their young insects, even if they are seed eaters like finches.  We have been watching an Oak Titmouse couple collecting insects […]

Baja California Tree Frogs

This has been a really good season for Baja Tree Frogs in the GNG.  We have had the on and off for years, but with the abundant rain this year the have been plentiful.  A stream runs through the canyon below creating good habitat for California’s “chorus” […]