Native plants are not just beautiful, they are the foundation of a healthy ecosystem. California is host to over 6500 native plant species, many of which are found nowhere else in the world.
The Gottlieb Native Garden contains over 220 gorgeous species of California native plants, each of which contributes something special to the tranquil beauty and healthy function of the ecosystem. This catalogue lists the native flora that have called this garden home.

Coulter's Matilija Poppy
Romneya coulteri

Baja Fairy Duster
Calliandra californica

Arroyo Lupine
Lupinus succulentus

Coast Live Oak
Quercus agrifolia

Saffron Buckwheat
Eriogonum crocatum

Britton's Dudleya
Dudleya brittonii

Western Jack-O'-Lantern
Omphalotus olivascens

Greenshield Lichen
Flavoparmelia sp.

Class Myxomycetes